The door, the leaf
Hi. I’m Craig. I am the creator and thought behind bizlabz, which is my exploration of business and life.
These are my initial thoughts
- This is about my journey and written mostly for my benefit. if you receive benefit from it I am glad too.
- Some of my references are reasonably obscure.
- I have so much to share!
So, on to the door and the leaf
Open a new door. Find a new way out of your room. Does it have to be a door? Can you fly out a window, or maybe find a secret passage?
The leaf is something you turn over. Turn over a new leaf today. Start your project. Start your day. Begin again and find yourself.
These statements make me feel empowered. They come from a class in college called “Edux.” This was a class in self discovery from the 80’s and 90’s that is still unique. This class shapes my world view every day.
So now, you know a little about where I am going, and I’ve written some guidepost items, Now on to the blog.